Senin, 14 April 2014

Supports of Love

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh

Activity today just like yesterday. Go to campus, Go to a place that I can meet the lecturers, Friends and also a prince.. HiHi #Aprincethatdoesn'tbelongtome @#$%^&*
Sedikit bercerita tentang kemacetan dijalan *eeh gak nyambung deh . . . I really wonder how can traffic jam increase everyday. HuHu even though I choose the other street, still traffic jam. I realize I can't avoid it at all. Oo.. I miss the situation when the flying bridge hadn't yet made. There are so many trees, fresh on the way and surely it's not traffic jam. But now, can you see? Please, see more!
In fact, it's just my longing. At least, I hope the bridge will be finish as soon as possible.
Sudaaaaah.. I don't mean to discuss about it cause there is something that more important than it. It's about Love. tau kan? that word memang hal umum. It includes Love of our family :)

Pernahkah kau rasa jenuh akan keadaan yang tak mudah dipahami? atau sudahkah kau rasa bosan dengan kepura-puraan sikap teman, mungkin lebih tepat lagi dibilang kepalsuan dunia?
I have ever felt it.. it's not good but burden me exactly. I reallly don't understand about it. How so hard I try to do accept ketidakadilan sebuah masalah. I can mention it's like kita yang selalu mengalah lalu kita juga yang disalah. HuHu I'm bored with this.
Maybe if we must check more and more, sometime that we do just don't wanna hurt the other. We give carefully to keep the other feeling. But Please see it! the other do what they want without think someone that feel hurt on the heart. HuHu So many matters but seketika aku jadi tersadar. semua akan mendewasakan pemikiran. although it's not easy to pass it. We just enjoy our life. Lalu kita akan semakin bersyukur, Tuhan telah memberikan sebuah keluarga yang akan memberikan dukungan dan membangun cinta untuk jalani hidup ini. Umak, Kakak, Ayuk, Ponakan.. dan semua keluarga lainnya. SEMANGAT DEMI MASA DEPAN, begitulah dukungan cinta yang teramat berharga. Syukron Yaa Allah...

Dear my beloved family, Terima kasih telah hadir dalam hidup Nelly. Memberikan dukungan agar Nelly bisa bertahan dan kuat berdiri. Terima kasih untuk semua kata-kata dalam untaian doa kepada-Nya.
Semangat yang tiada mungkin dibagikan yang lain selain dari keluarga tersayang. Mengubah kejenuhan menjadi kenyamanan. Mengganti kebosanan dan ketegaran. I'm very lucky to have them. Semua dukungan, semangat, cinta yang mereka bagi.. sungguh menjadikan perjuangan ini lebih berarti. Thanks for everything

More than the best, Love of Family

A family is the meaning of life
It can't be bought by money
It couldn't change by diamond
A place that I find affection
A book which I share the problems
They will be there whatever who you are
Never leave us alone
They will beside in happiness
They will more hug you in misery
Give a meaning to learn about life
They always understand how you are
Together to life
Face the problem although it's the hardest thing
A family still stands in your side although the world leaves you

My family is a perfect kind in my life
Without them, I will be lost
Without them, I feel empty
A family, one of our real life


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