Senin, 30 September 2013

While Time in Taman Pusri

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh
Sedikit meluangkan waktu untuk bercerita disini. How are you all? Fine, right?
Today is monday. What's your opinion about The beginning day of the week? So hard maybe or So easy? Whatever, We must still do our activities amazingly. Semangat Monday!

The first subject is Curricullum. As usual, presentation in front of class. The second subject is Research, but the lecturer is going to Padang. So, we can go home early time. Actually, I don't go home but go global. but it is 1 o'clock afternoon. so, still long time.
Wait-wait! My friends invite me to go to Taman Pusri. It's ok. Time is still about more 10 o'clock morning
You know Taman Pusri? I don't know exactly. So that's why I wanna go to there.

Welcome in Taman Pusri. this is my first time to visit this place. I'm so happy cause there are many deers. In my village, Hewan langka ini sudah lama punah entah kemana. Padahal dulu dulu dan dulu, banyak rusa di hutan desa ku. The deer mengingatkan ku tentang kehidupan masa kecil. Really, They look beautiful #Eiiih handsome kan bisa juga :D

These are our pictures. We are Ms. Nelly, Ms. Lela, Ms. Ikha, Ms. Ikhy. Hm.. memang kami Miss-Miss Kece. Prepare your nice eyes! Let see!

 Heii.. Ini Rusa Sambar. #tau aja kalo lagi di foto ya

 Make a conversation with Deer. "Hello, What's your name? How are you?" #I think so fun if the deer can speak like human :D

 Miss Kece and Deer yang kece juga deh


 Nice Miss Kece!

 We are in here

 Many Deers in taman Pusri

Disini ada masjid Al-Qobah. :) Subhanallah.

Not just also

More good enough!

Here we are!

I think enough for this time. I just can manage short time. Time for sleeping
Bersemangat untuk menyambut esok hari. Bersemangat! Bersemangat! Bersemangat!

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh

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