"Setiap perjuanganku, tak pernah ku merasa sendirian
mereka yang mendukungku adalah mereka yang juga ikut berjuang
Jadi Takkan ku siakan dan kecewakan kesempatan ini"
Meluangkan little time to tell story about activity in global course.
cukup one word. AMAZING!. you know, in here very excited and interisting. everyday we can come in. Busy? yeah, of course, we must keep fighting. berjuang dalam penuh pengorbanan, waktu, uang, tenaga, fikiran, etc. Yaa, to become a success person, we must have hard struggle. keberhasilan diraih dengan penuh kesulitan. untuk meraih bintang, bukan hal mudah tapi bukan hal mustahil. semangat!!!
You can imagine about our activity as the students of Global. Hurry up! I wanna speak english fluence. it's target. Life must have target :D semester 5 yang fun menyenangkan. Tired? of course, jangan ditanya lagi deh, So tired.. Huhhuhh take it easy! we are still happy because kami menjalaninya dengan hati yang ikhlas dan bersemangat! gitu dong, jiwa generasi muda. untuk meraih masa depan yang gemilau dan gemilang, do everything sincerely and bersemangat! right now! kalo gak sekarang, kapan lagi?!
Pulang kuliah, bukannya go home but go global. sometimes, my eyes are sleepy saja. but still memaksakan harus semangat. gak boleh tired-tired. remember about my mother, my sister, my niece and my family that support me. actually, I must take suplemen or vitamin to my body. When finish course about 05 PM in the afternoon, I wait my sister first, seperti cerita sebelumnya if office of my sister nih di deket global. so, I go home with my sister. plan saya sih make a good schedule for manage time be better. #Cause Busy over time nih
Amazing! I and Lela try to make up class because our real class still waiting list. Oh, why lama sekali ya. #HeHeHe but it's ok lah. cause it's not problem.
What happen in make up class? there are discussion that speak english. wah, We like it so much. ini nih yang kata Mey Mey in film upin ipin "Suka suka suka"
Terlebih lagi, we have many friends. all people that join course in here very kindly and good.
Remember ya if di Global we must speak english to communicate with other friend.
So, we really enjoy our course as students in global.
Siapapun yang wanna join course, gak salah deh choose global center nih :D
Itulah sedikit ceritanya. apapun yang kita lakukan, harus bersemangat agar kita menjalaninya dengan bahagia.
Bye.. Bye.. See you in the next entry!
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh
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