hello everyone! How are you? Hope always be fine, right!
Welcome The Fifth Semester
Sunday, 9th September is the beginning day of semester V. Can you imagine it? I'm a collegian in the fifth semester. I don't guess before, Time pass fastly exactly. Huhhhhhuuuuhh.. rilex nelly!
Selamat datang semester 5 ku.
Oke, I must realize, this is big struggle. I wanna face this semester the best and more more more.
after I have known if I'm entering more than a half of kuliah. Wow! I feel it will be so hard. oke, next next next, I will prepare ''Skripsi''. Gee! as we know about ''skripsi'', it's sesuatu banget. people say it's so horrible. it will happen on the seventh semester. Maybe about one year again. is it still long time? but we must think of it as soon as possible, right?! because pastly is better than slowly :D
Back to my story about the fifth semester. Mata kuliah yang benar-benar cetar membahana. hampir all of the subjects are english. there is only one subject that use indonesian. Actually, they will be challenge for my struggle. HeHeHe #please deh gak perlu heran, namanya juga program bahasa inggris :D
the first time I buy and know about my schedule, there are 2 free days. Wednesday and Friday. But, My two lecturer wanna move on Wednesday. Yeah, so it's just friday and sunday too that I don't go to campus because nothing schedule. in the first week, our lecturer give module or syllabus about lesson.
My Charming Schedule ^_^
*Monday : Curriculum and Material Development + Research on Language Teaching
*Tuesday : Business English + Sociolinguistic
*Wednesday : Psycolinguistic + Extensive Reading
*Thursday : Writing 3 + Applied Linguistic + TEFL 1
*Saturday : Kewirausahaan + English Syintax
Hm, I get big soul from my heart. I'm strongger than before. Bersemangat yang begitu menggebu-gebu. I think my feeling is like someone that falling love. My heart that always be flowers. So happy dalam semangat jiwa, hati dan fikiranku.
Sepenuhnya, I wanna be collegian that do the best than ever. HaHaHa.. Come on Nelly! Get up! do more than before! fight, fight, fighting!
Sungguh bahagia! although I must be more serious and focus in my schedule but I still feel glad so much. because this time I get strength in my life. Oh my life, I always thanks for ALLAH SWT. syukron Ya Allah, Tuhan give me heart that full semangat. Alhamdulillah. Bersemangat for my mom, my father, my family, my future. I wanna be Nelly Vergawati that be proud. I believe I can do it! I must do it! and I'll be happy :D
Many plans that I wanna do in this semester :D such as :
-Speak english every day in campus
-Join english course in Global
et cetera . . . and I will share them in the next entry :D
AHLAN WA SAHLAN My Fifth Semester :)
Bissmillahhirrohmaanirrohiim. Allahhumma sholli 'ala Muhammad Wa aali Muhammad.
Ku sambut dengan senyum tulus dan bahagia. Akan melakukan yang terbaik dan lebih baik lagi.
Aku akan terus berjuang dan tidak akan pernah menyerah.
Bersemangat dalam hati, jiwa dan fikiran ku.
Bersemangat disetiap semua aktivitas ku.
Bersemangat disetiap hari ku.
Bersemangat disetiap hari ku.
Niat yang baik dan jujur.
Bahagia dan penuh syukur di setiap nikmat-Nya.
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