Selasa, 17 September 2013

Kami dan Taman Kita

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahhiwabarokatuh
Hello everyone :) How are you? Fine, right!
today, the weather is cloudly. the sun is shy to appear in the sky. How about your heart? Hope always shiny and cheer up! bersemangat everytime.

this entry wanna share about Our New park in our campus and also there are me with my closer friends.
New Park in our campus is good enough and beautiful so. actually, the park had been creating when we faced exam on the fourth semester ago. so, when we have finished our holidays and back to campus. the new park has already created. it is located when we from Mushola wanna go to building H.
semuanya serba perubahan baru deh. same as me that change to more cheer up! semangat!

On the second week in the beginning fifth semester, kami belum lah terlalu busy. but of course there are any task. I think the third week will be start the busy time with many tasks. Oke #tugas mahasiswi

Actually, sudah lama juga nih we wanna take the pictures in here. HeHeHe #maklum saja, we are miss-miss exis
hari-hari sebelumnya ketika akan take the pictures, we are so shy because many collegians that pass. so, it's not sure time, right?!
finally, we have a choice today to be exis in here. #HaHaHa ada-ada saja ya "Para miss" nih :D
Just for fun :) nothing the other reason, yang pasti bukan nak pamer camera sederhana kami. #HiHiHi.
kuliah selesai hari ini dan mari action on camera. Tapi sayang sekali, our two friends, Miss Varealla and Miss Nande sudah balik. So sorry. but don't worry, maybe, next time "Para Miss" completely will take many pictures together in here. Oke!

Let's prepare your sincere eyes to see the pictures of Miss-Miss Kece!!!

Here we go! We are in the new park that nice and beautiful on our campus #HeHeHe kami memang so exis deh
 Ms. Nelly Vergawati

 Ms. Ikhy, Ms. Ikha, Ms. Nelly #Miss yang kece ya

 Ms. Ikhy, Ms. Ikha, Ms. Lela #Bener kan, miss kece

 Kami juga kece kan #HeHeHe

 Three miss that kece #Exis yaa

 Miss Lela Yusmita

Only Me in here

Actually, we wanna take the pictures more than these. but, we felt so funny because many collegians that saw us. HaHaHa kami pun take the pictures sambil tertawa. #maklum saja, taman ini kan di samping jalan umum lalu lintas mahasiswa and mahasiswi gitu lho

Just enough about this entry, next time we will meet again :D

Semangat selalu yaa :) :D


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