I have been a teacher, although still on PPL...
Apa kabar? Semoga kita selalu baik.. Alhamdulillah hingga kini kita selalu dalam limpahan kasih dan sayang-Nya. Kita memang haruslah selalu bersyukur.. Tuhan selalu jagakan kita, lindungi kita..
This time, for a while moment to stay in this page. Malam minggu lah ini? Saturday night itu memang agak different sedikit lah with the other days. Why? Because di hari-hari lain sudah dan memang busy with activity, beda atau sama saja ya? Hm.. maybe yes, maybe no. tapi in fact, masih saja lah malam minggu itu think about activity lah. Maksud aku ini apalah ya :D !@#$%^&*
Well, especially tonight, nak share story about activity yang make me busy tuh. what is it? Guess lah..
apa lagi kalau bukan about PPL.. Mahasiswa semester 7 itu memang penuh warna lah.. Like a rainbow.. PPL, KKL, Pembimbing, Skripsi, etc. Semuanya diperjuangkan, "ingin wisuda"
Guru PPL itu memanglah identik dengan seragam hitam-putih. In the real, not everyday... cause on thursday-saturday we wear batik, baju olahraga, kemeja.
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Ini adalah reward untuk game english, first ranking :D |
Actually, become a teacher of PPL itu penuh perjuangan. cause guru berseragam hitam-putih ini sometimes tak di respect oleh some of student, lebih tepatnya siswa yang belum paham nak respect the older person. Yeah, I realize it, we can't say if every students tuh same. They have their characteristics.
How can if we are on this situation? I feel that cause there is one student yang tak turutkan kata aku yang as his teacher. Tak betul memang sikap begitu pada orang yang lebih tua. Nak angry, maybe it's wrong. nak dibiarkan saja, siswa takkan realize juga if it mayn't. Tapi at least, bila aku sudah jadi the real teacher in the future, aku mestilah tegas, agar moral and knowledge students ku perfect. In Shaa Allah... It's one of my plans.
Talk about RPP... RPP itu adalah sebuah lembaran yang selalu revisi *seperti skripsi saja yaa
the reason is the new kurikulum that apply nowdays. so that's why, make RPP itu bukanlah hal yang easy, Based on my experience. if we search on google, surely there is no. I just wanna see the example lah. However, jadi real make it by myself. the way is using panduan membuat RPP kurikulum 2013. Wrong or false? Until RPP ke-5, revisi lagi and lagi. Jadi, masih ada kesalahan. I think RPP yang ke-6 ini haruslah benar. Difficult memang but itulah perjuangan, face it! Yang penting usaha sungguh-sungguh. Betul? Pastilah.. kan Man Jadda Wa Jadda^^
Anyway, Sudah one month juga, jadi warga Perumnas, Sako. I'm so hard to find tempat print. it's not like in Plaju, dimana berbaris tempat print, yang ada kita tinggal pilih suka hati. Nah disini, Confused jadinya. Sehingga, bila nak print RPP, must go to Demang, even go Plaju. Ya, itulah perjuangan! Tak ape..
Hope PPL akan segera finish dengan baik dan lancar, HeHeHe hope cepat wisuda *aku nak wisuda ^^
*semangat nak cepat wisuda *Cik Julia satu minggu lagi nak wisuda^^ *congratulation deh, Julia Eka Sari, Am. Keb. *Haaaa akupun nak wisuda :D
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game first ranking.. are you smart? Yes I am ^^ |
Pokoknya, jadi guru bukan terpaksa, hati mesti tulus, agar bernilai ibadah. Bukan juga asal saja, niat mesti lurus, agar keluarga banggakan kita. Dan percayalah, Allah sayang umat-Nya yang bersabar.
However, whenever, wherever... Bersyukurlah!
By the way, aku apply an english game, the first ranking. It's an idea of my sister. Thankyou Yunda for the idea :) thanks pula dah bantu for the reward.
The First ranking, are you smart? yes I am.. Begitulah slogan eh maksudnya yeal-yeal to start the game.
rewardnya simple but I hope my student that become the winner don't judge by the price but must judge the value of the reward, Yeah.. it's from their struggle and knowledge also.
The way of that game is "We are telling statements, students just answer true or false"
Congratulation for the winner of the first, second, and third :D
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Ibu Lismeriah, Me, The winners of the first ranking... |
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The first, second, third.. congratulation lovely students |
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XI MIA 3 is the best |
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XI MIA 3 is very good |
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XI MIA 3 is friendly |
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XI MIA 3 is kind |
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With students of XI MIA 3 |
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With them ^^ |
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Thanks so XI MIA 3, all of you have been good to be my students |
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The winner of XI MIA 1.. Congratulation |
Keep hamasah! Keep fighting! Perjuangan PPL satu bulan lagi^^ Although sulit, tapi yakinlah pasti akan ada kemudahan
Sudah dulu cerita kali ini, next time, share again... thankyou!
Wassalam :)
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