Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Semester 6, Ready!

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh

Hello everyone? How are you? Hope always ok, right.
I'm in a good mood. Alhamdulillah, after lost of semangat in my soul nowadays, finally right now semangat has come back again. I know this time will be inside me. actually, kemaren kondisi lagi tak baik, demam :(. ketika sakit, semuanya malah jadi semakin capek, tapi semua ada hikmah. jadi saat lagi gak fit gitu, semangat mulai bangkit. berharganya bila waktu sehat, harus bersyukur. jadi ingin segera semangat lagi. alright! daebak! semangat datang dan jangan pergi lagi!

Ahlan wa sahlan the sixth semester. Welcome hard struggles. Annyeong haseyo high semester?
Sepertinya semester 6 ini akan lebih banyak warna, Ya salah satunya PPL 1 ^^ What is that? here we go!
Challengings are waiting to we face. Keep fighting!
Actually, many things, dreams, wishes and hopes that I really wanna reach in this semester. surely, ingin lebih baik dari kemaren. one of them, teaching as a course teacher. Yes it is, I planned it before semester. I really wanna get experience, as my training to be better condition if I teach someday. But, I think it's just my dream cause remember how many activities in my days. Yes, I have been busy. I'm afraid if I can't manage time well, I don't wanna one of my activities is less because I wanna add big activity again. HuHu... confused lah. Ye, I realize that this time is late for me to start it. I should melaksanakannya saat semester 3 kemaren. but at that time, I'm not sure and ready. Now, I just apologize the past. But not really disappointed.  as we know that, we must see in the future, maybe this is not right choice. just advice for adek tingkat, semoga tidak memutuskan untuk coba mulai mengajar di semester yang agak tinggi gini. better bila dari semester awal, develop skill.
Don't sigh! Menatap masa kini untuk masa nanti. I will fix my mistakes, fix my skill. improve my knowledge. I'll be better than before. Aku akan berusaha! Semangat for ambitions.
Mom, thanks you're the most important in my life, I know I can be able to make you proud and happy forever. Terima kasih doa Umak, bidadari hidupku. Semangat karena ALLAH, Semangat untuk Umak.
I'll fight! never give up! Keep stepping! Keep on doing!
First week of the sixth semester ^_^
As usual, memang belum active belajarnya. temanpun ada yang masih di dusun. lecturers had already come just give sylabus and change schedule. Aigo, if there is lecturer that wanna move on monday, segeralah kawan sekelas tidak mau. maklum sajalah, only monday yang free #senin harus tetap libur :D Hahaha. sejujurnya jadwal in this semester ini agak gimana yaaa dan juga not really perfect, you know why? karena subjectnya bisa dibilang "tanggung" gitu. there is three days that just have one subject. but, mayn't sigh! Be grateful! whatever it, just receive and face sincerely #mestilah begitu
*Tuesday : PPL 1, Writing 4, Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan
*Wednesday : Public Speaking, Language Testing
*Thursday : Seminar on Language Teaching
*Friday : Statistics
*Saturday : Translation

Itulah schedule yang ditetapkan sekarang ini, because all scores haven't been out yet, jadi belum register lah. Semester ini di kasih 21 SKS. Sebenarnya saya and kawan ingin ambil sks semester 8, (Eeh yakin lebih dari 3 IP nya? yakin saja dan itu harus :D) tapi sepertinya tidak ada sistem seperti itu lagi, semester bawah tidak boleh ambil semester atas. Cerita little, sebenarnya saya amat takut bila ada bulan sabit, huruf yang artinya enough. Ya, huruf urutan ketiga alfhabet ini memang bikin tegang. semoga hingga wisuda nanti, takkan berjumpa sama huruf yang enough ini. so that's why I always to do my best. Well, ilmu memang tidaklah sepenuhnya dinilai dari huruf-huruf itu, tapi setidaknya bila meraih huruf itu, harus membuktikan kalo kita memang bisa dan pantas mendapatkannya dengan segudang ilmu yang sudah dituntut #aigo, ilmu koq dituntut, kasihan lah dia masuk pengadilan :D HaHaHa
Semester 6 ini punya kejutan tersendiri karena bisa berjumpa dengan 2 dosen favorit secara bersamaan. Mrs. Rini Anggraini, dosen PPL 1 (dosen English Phonology di semester 3 kemaren) and Mrs. Reni Amelia , dosen Public Speaking (dosen Pronunciation Pratice di semester pertama) . Lecturer yang menginspirasi banget. In my opinion, they are good lecturers. the way they teach and the way they tranfer knowledge that we can get it well. Happy!

Pictures with friends of my class A, lecturer didn't come. cheez! check it out!

^^tanpa disadari, already almost 3 years together with class A. remember at the beginning semester, we don't know each other. kita tidaklah sama, ya namun kita satu. indahnya perbedaan yang tercipta. Friends of A, kebersamaan kita takkan selamanya. begitulah cerita #huhu jadi inget masa SMA, SMP, SD :'(. Well, bila sudah wisuda nanti. apa kita bisa bersama seperti ini lagi? Entahlah, it's difficult. reuni pun mungkin takkan sama seperti ini lagi #ada yang busy, married, work, ya begitulah future. So that's why, respect time that we have now. care each other. someday, we will miss this time. really! Give nice moment that good to we will remember. senyumlah! ramahlah! sabarlah! pedulilah! sapalah! de el el. I love class A English program angkatan 2011. Semoga kita semua menjadi guru atau dosen yang baik di masa depan. do the best cause we are in education world that can change the world! success all!

And the last, be positif thinking to face everything. I just wanna face this semester best. berfikir positif dan yakin kalo aku mampu melaluinya dengan terbaik.believe yourself! you can be able! bermimpilah yang besar karena akan menggerakkan hatimu. reach you star! Keep dreaming! Keep praying! Keep action!
Semoga selalu dalam pertolongan-NYA. Barakallah!

Hi collegners, harus rajin-rajin datang ke sini ya! Semester 6 harus banyak-banyak lihat semua buku!
Judul mana judul? #huhu :( so pity, sekarang masih belum ada judul pun yang didapat. confused lah! takut juga! huhu Skripsi itu susah ya? Gimana skripsi itu? sulit atau benar-benar sulit? mulai galau jadinya HuHu.
Well, setiap kesulitan pasti akan ada kemudahan. Iya kan?!
Hm.. keep calm! Start now, must really think about judul skripsi. Semangat 45! harus bisa Ms. Nelly!

Aku pasti bisa... menikmati semua dan menghadapinya
Aku yakin ku pasti bisa...


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