Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh
Hello all.. Hi semua..

Tadaaaam... !!!
What is it? Do you know what it is? HaHaHa.. Yippee! You're right!
It's mug.
but it's a unique mug that different than other. It has characteristic. O'ow.. #lebay
HiHiHi.. Very comel kan?! Specially, It's Unyu banget gitu. Suka suka suka #Versi ala Upin
Ini saya suka mah #Versi ala Meymey
The point to the story. That's a mug from promotion of milk. Especially, it's a present or bonus gitu. HeHeHe. actually, I didn't drink that milk before. Hm.. because and because "lagi ada hadiah" Yaaa iyalah, who isn't interesting? Secara, it's free. Thanks for My Sister Ter, She has bought that milk and get a nice mug. Huuhhu.. I think, I'll drink this milk everyday. seterusnya, I will drink it.
This is a story that make this mug be special. it's free and Unyu-Unyu sekaleeeee
I like this milk too :D HaHaHa #tawabahagia Thanks Hilo "Tumbuh tuh ke atas, ga ke samping"
This is my special mug. there is nothing for someone to borrow this mug. But if just wanna see, boleh-boleh aja koq. GkGkGk #Ge-Er, siapa juga mau ambil ya?! ^_^ #Eittts.. Kidding or serious nih?!
Pokoknya.. Ini mug Unyu-Unyu, for ME :D begitu berkesan lebih dari mug mahal sedunia
Alhamdulillah, ada mug that very unique
So Funny, Punky and Pinky.. HiHiHi
Mari tersenyum semua!!! :) Da Daaahh

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahhiwabarokatuh
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