In this time, I'd like to share names of class sepuluh tiga, it's time when first grade of Senior high school, because I found one of my old diary, there are full of words, but I don't think to re-write all sentences here, I just like to type the students' name when we're together, let's remember it! it's almost 9 years ago.
Kelas X3
Semester I Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009
SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Agung
Wali Kelas : Ibu Selvia Dewi Indrani, S.Pd.
Ketua Kelas : Oktarina
Wakil Ketua : Dedek Darmadi
Sekretaris I : Izwin Firnando
Sekretaris II : Nelly Vergawati
Bendahara I : Ayu Septi Putri
Bendahara II : Venny Apriani